YES There is More to Life Than This...

Although I was very successful in my business and personal life I still felt something was missing. You know when life looks good on paper but you feel like something is missing...
The longer it went on the worse it got and I remember being plagued with the questions… "Is this all I’m meant to do? Is this really what life is about? "
I spent years trying to figure out the real meaning of life, how to live my best life and how to have success in all areas of my life.
And I discovered that it’s not about changing who you are, but rediscovering the person you really are and were always meant to be.
I can promise you from personal experience - You can live your best life by being your authentic self without ever having to ask again if there's more to life.
Ronan Rooney MSc BSc BA
Philosopher | Psychologist | Metaphysician

Conscious Awareness - the Essence of our Being
Life and our beingness is not as we have come to understand, and we are now being coaxed to embrace and express a new perspective of realty not from the conscious intellectual but from the level of spiritual awareness.
There is an urgent necessity to re-examine and re-evaluate our world and reality and in this context the importance of exploration of consciousness cannot be overstated.
We need to embrace our transpersonal nature, go beyond the ego, and recognise and express our personal being-ness. Moreover, we must finally realise our interconnectedness – that we are part of the one whole. Ultimately, we must consciously awaken our consciousness.
Humanity has now evolved so that we can experience multiple states of consciousness at the same time. What this means is that we can connect with our true nature that is experienced in the Transcendent and Cosmic states of consciousness and remain in that (recognised as a state of grace) while being in the Waking state of consciousness that is the busy world we call reality.
If humanity were all to remain in the Transcendent state of consciousness while playing the roles we play in the Waking state of consciousness there would be an end to all of the worlds problems.
This is what Conscious Awareness – the Essence of Our Being addresses and shares with the reader how to achieve it.
Ronan Rooney

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What they have said

Dean Radin PhD
Chief Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and author, Real Magic, and other books
The Indian sage Ramana Maharshi was once asked by his disciples, "How should we treat others?" This question, which has acquired a new urgency in today's world, was answered with four simple words: "There are no others." In Awareness: The essence of our being, Ronan Rooney uses a few more than four words, but he clearly explains what Maharshi meant in this optimistic and instructive memoir.

Dr Mary Hynes
Senior Clinical Psychologist
Conscious Awareness - The Essence of Our Being, is a profound and truly insightful book which offers insights into the nature of happiness so we may free our minds and see clearly our own personal journey. A mixture of philosophy, psychology and spirituality, with moving insights on how Nirvana can be joyfully attained.

Ronan Scully
Business Development Representative,
Self Help Africa
Ronan explains ever so well the big important ideas of life and our world in a direct, understandable, practical and very meaningful way. His heartfelt way of explaining how to live a life of meaning, purpose, compassion and prosperity is exceptional and so authentic. They awaken the wonder in us and help us to become aware of who we really are and help us to develop it into wisdom, knowing and becoming.
What's been said about Ronan
A fulfilling life isn't about external titles or achievements. It's about deeply understanding who you TRULY are beyond the labels.
You are certain there’s more beneath the surface. You’re curious about the bigger picture and how you fit into it, ready to explore new perspectives and realities. You want to look back and know you lived fully, authentically, and without holding back. You’re done with superficial solutions and quick fixes. You’re looking for a profound transformation that touches every aspect of your life.
Self Mastery is the key to honoring your authenticity and paving the way for a fulfilling life.
Living your best life means you embrace your true self which allows you to navigate life with clarity and purpose, making decisions that resonate deeply with your values and aspirations and who you really are.