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Training Programs 


Sirius Health | NOW | corporate program

Stress & Mental Health for Wellbeing ​[Corporate Program - 2 hour]


1 in 4 will suffer from a mental illness like anxiety or depression. Mental illness takes the longest of all diseases to diagnose fully.

On average the person is extracted sometimes without any preparation for what usually is  8-12 weeks treatment.


Now consider this in the context of you, your senior management or executive team and what it would look like? What would the likely cost be?

stress management | mindfullness and mindset


Sirius Health | SOLUTIONS | corporate program

Work-Life Balance and Stress & Mental Health [Corporate Program - half-day]

Work-Life balance is different for everybody. No matter who or what if there is not a balance something will give and usually its our health.

A balance must included all aspects of the self - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and interpersonal.

For optimum performance and to live life fully means having An Integral Practice. This is a set practice which ensures you balance all the modalities and roles you play in your life.


Sirius HEALTH | CORPORATE | corporate program


Mastery of Consciousness and Work-Life Balance and Stress & Mental Health [Corporate Program - 1 Day]


Combining Sirius Life Health & Balance and adding Mastery of Consciousness. Your life is determined by your thoughts which emerge from your consciousness and are affected by various layers of consciousness. 

Understanding the various states of Consciousness is powerful in taking back control of your life. Live the life you were meant to live by awakening to the superconscious.


Sirius HEALTH| EXECUTIVE  | personal program


Re-engaging the Authentic Self, Mastery of Consciousness, Work-Life Balance, Stress & Mental Health [Corporate Program - 2 Day On or Off-site]


Join Ronan for a 2 day immersion in his teachings, practice and insights.

The ultimate expression in life is to live the life you were meant to live. By re-engaging the authentic self within you can live the life you were meant to live  being the highest expression of you in this life.

You are ultimately an expression of the Universal individualised in this life. You have a very definite purpose which is to live your best life as your Authentic Self. Your life is an integral part of the greater plan and is of utmost importance not just for you but for us all.


Sirius Health | EXECUTIVE PLUS | personal program


Spiritual Awakening, Re-engaging the Authentic Self, Mastery of Consciousness, Work-Life Balance, Stress & Mental Health [Personal Program - 12 MONTHS 12 DAYS]

Our ultimate goal in life is to awaken to truth of our Divine reality. You are more than the body, mind, emotions, spirit. More than the roles you play. More even than your Authentic Self.


All together you are part of something greater. This is your ultimate enlightenment to the true nature of the reality of you, the world and people around you and the universal energy permeating all.

You are not alone, you are an integral part of the whole which is what the ancient Vedas were proclaiming. Vedanta holds the key and answers to life and is itself from which all religions emerged.

Vedanta facilitates self inquiry to awakening of the highest spirit within.


Sirius HEALTH | AWAKENING  | annual seminar


Awakening to the true nature of your reality, Mastery of Consciousness and Expression of your Authentic Self [Personal Program - 2 Day Residential]

2 Day residential program located on Galway Bay within yards of the ocean. 


Total immersion in the teachings. Develop from an initial understanding of reality to an understanding of your authentic self through an understanding of consciousness so as to live the Quintessence of Life.

In depth program covering every aspect of Ronans learnings, teachings and insights.

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