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Meeting Mooji in India

I had been trying for a few months to goto a Satsang with Mooji but all of the Satsangs were booked out. I put myself on the cancellation list. The cost would have been about €2,000. Instead on the 7th January I went to India to Ramanashram Sri Ramana Maharshis Ashram. I was there only a few days when I saw Mooji out of the blue chatting to a small group. He was having a free satsang close by. I stayed at the back of the crowd not wanting to bother him. Then the very next day I meditated for longer and changed my routine and then was outside the supermarket when he just appeared. Even more one of his devotees told me to go to him. When I did he immediate said “I saw you yesterday at the back of the crowd and he hugged me”. I attended two of his satsangs the next few days and he was his inspirational self.

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